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We will tell you about the vintages from 1999 to the present day. We believe in the strength of Falerno del Massico and in the potential of our territory. We start the story from 1999, when we started to fix notes and impressions on our notebooks.

In 1999 we are joined by an oenologist consultant. For us, a different path begins, the will to seriously bottle all our production prevails. With dr. Nicola Trabucco – also a beginner – we begin to experiment with a new way of making wine: first of all total use of steel in the cellar, then malolactic conversion into barrique.

Let’s start from the vineyards: those of the great-grandparents between 80/90 years and 40 years those planted by my father. We will look no longer at the quantitative profile, but at the qualitative one. The first 1,500 bottles are bottled thanks to a fairly hot vintage, with few temperature changes.

The 1999 vintage is clean and undamaged. The color of the wine is dark and complex, impenetrable. For the first time we will experience the use of the barrique (mitigated over time). The olfactory profile is sweetly balsamic. Marasca cherry, undergrowth, plum and pepper are the taste sensations

The 2000 vintage was similar to ’99 and the wine follows the qualitative imprint of the previous one. The summer was warmer and drier in the beginning, then in the second part it was compensated by a greater temperature range. Just before the harvest a long period of rain determines the result.

The idea is to express the fruit and the roasting of the barrique (from 6 months we pass to 1 year of aging). The wine is more powerful on the nose and more complex on the palate. Good alcohol content but also with an important acidity.

Hot and dry year. Few temperature variations. It rains in the summer. The rain is concentrated in a few scattered days and does no harm. Harvest between mid and late September.

We move from a vine grown as alberello (free standing bush) supported by wire with double-crossed pruning to two new experiments for our territory: the guyot and the spurred cordon (then preferring the first one at the end).

The harvest is beautiful and the grapes are perfect. The wine follows this natural climatic trend, it is certainly one of the best tests done with Nicola Trabucco.

During tasting the wine is dark red, intense. On the nose, an initial strawberry then gives way to blueberries, cherries and blackberries. The toasting of the barriques in allier and never French oak corresponds to a typical primitivo sweetness made of jam and herbaceous scents. Pairing with mixed grilled meats and aged cheeses.

2002 was a difficult vintage Rainy after a hot spring. Especially in the second part of the summer, heavy rainfall will mark the grapes. We will be forced to make a large manual sorting during the harvest. But then the wine changes our expectations.

A new winemaker joins us, who from Umbria arrives for the first time in Campania. Dr Maurilio Chioccia will prove himself with this difficult vintage. The wine is agile and lean, less alcoholic than previous years, but it is impenetrable bright red. The aromas, hidden at the start, open on long and persistent red fruit notes, undergrowth, spicy notes of licorice and coffee. The character is vinous in the early years of evolution then disappears and leaves room for berries and a fragrant finish with soft and velvety tannins.

Recommended on mixed roasts.

Great vintage 2003. It is an exceptionally hot year. No rain in spring and until mid-September. Harvest starting from August 25th. The vineyard is now totally Guyot-grown, a natural consequence of the historic alberello (free standing bush)

The grapes will be slightly dried on the plant. The wine has a powerful fruit, initially strawberry and cherry then blackberry, lots of plum, all wrapped in balsamic hints, of candied fruit that only the remarkable mineral load can balance.

Dark ruby with subtle garnet strokes. The glycerine consistency of the wine is appreciable on sight. A unique wine in its unmistakable identity. Tasting we find the territory and the variety, the volcanic soil, the southern exposure of the Massico, the winds of the sea that give softness which corresponds to a freshness that cleans the palate.

In the mouth it is concentrated, pulpy, powerful, with balsamic notes and an endless finish of resin and dark chocolate. Pairing with roasted red meats, game and aged cheeses.

Complex vintage. A rainy and humid spring. It also rains a lot in June.

The dry and sunny summer prevents the grapes from ripening in the usual period, also due to the repeated temperature changes in the evening of even 8 degrees. Sporadic hailstorms in late August and the rains will force us to a maniacal selection of the bunches. Late harvest, starts in late September.

The result is an austere wine of 14 degrees reached with tenacity, a complex and deep wine.

The ruby is dense, but bright. Dense, mineral perfume ending in leather, spices, coffee.

Less palat structure, very elegant. It holds the years well and is naturally destined to age.

A good year apart from the anomalous initial heat and an intense hailstorm in June which destroys a potential of 20%.

Summer characterized by warm days and cool, breezy evenings. Second part of the summer with a good amount of rainfall, which postpones the harvest for a few days.

Wine that appears already mature with less fruit sensations, but with dried rose and a more evident spicy / mineral charge. The tasting begins with a complex chromatic fabric, from bright ruby red to purple edge.

The glycerine consistency of the wine is appreciable on sight. A unique wine in its unmistakable identity. Clean nose with hints of dried roses; then blackberry, strawberry, black cherry, aloe, prickly pear, berry jam and a finish of spices. Tasting we find the territory and a softness which corresponds to an explosion of well-balanced freshness. The tasting is concentrated, refined, pulpy, round, persistent. It is ready now but can be tasted again in a few years.

Il 2006 è climaticamente complesso. Inizio al cardiopalma con anticipo di caldo intenso a maggio, poi freddi anomali tra fine maggio e inizi giugno, dieci giorni di piogge intense e leggere grandinate che però non fanno danni. Freddo di fuori stagione. Avremo però la fortuna di raccogliere le prime uve da un nuovo vigneto piantato nel 2002 in località S. Maria Boccadoro a circa 280 mt. s.l.m.

E’ certamente un dono della terra questa adattabilità delle uve alle diverse condizioni. Da un lato leggiamo le diverse sfumature dovute alle diverse annate, dall’altro le diverse declinazioni dovute al terroir. Passando alla degustazione ne risulta: potenza, mineralità, il livello qualitativo è alto.

Giunge nel calice con una veste di profondità estrema, vira sul rosso rubino intenso impenetrabile. Naso espressivo di prugna appassita e ciliegia nera, finocchietto selvatico, amarene e note di grafite. Agile, potente e muscoloso, ma meraviglia la sua prontezza ed il finale balsamico. Ne conserviamo gelosamente ancora qualche bottiglia nelle grotte in tufo a 13 mt. di profondità sotto il casale patronale.

Perfetto l’abbinamento con faraona ripiena al forno.

Abnormal climate. Warm winter and rainy spring accelerate the vegetative process of the plant. No rain since late May. The first ten days of June, cool enough, then the beginning of intense heat outside the norm that touches record peaks, little the temperature range. A lot of humidity in late August.

Early maturation of about 15 days. However, a great wine will come out: clean, clean, warm, harmonious. The bright red color that denotes freshness is suggestive. The tasting proceeds without hesitation. Clear and evident aromas of red fruit, withered flowers, graphite, explosion of ripe fruit in spirit: black cherries and plums, currants. balanced and precise acidity, more nervous in the early years. Condition absolutely necessary to support the evolution in the bottle. Overall, therefore, it represents a predisposition for long aging. We have tried it after years and it keeps time very well.

Recommended on braised and aged cheeses.

Average rainy winter with hot / mild summer and fairly muggy / hot September.

The ripening of the grapes proceeds with constancy and decision. Harvest in mid-September, the grapes are healthy.

The wine stands on full 15 degrees, is full, harmonious, tastes of ripe red fruit, is ready to drink immediately. It is not as complex as 2007, but it is well supported by freshness and silky tannins. There are clear complex spices, graphite, berries.

Excellent pairing with baked pasta, Neapolitan ragù, red meats, game.

Average rainy spring with mild temperatures.

A condition that caused the vines to germinate a dozen days earlier than the 2008 vintage, this advance was maintained even in the subsequent vegetative stages.

Average drought and rainy summer, with resumption of rain on 10 September in alternating weeks. Given the small quantity of grapes we decide not to let Campantuono come out, giving space to the second label, the daughter of younger vineyards: Conclave

The wine is the result of the long permanence of the grapes on the plant, which thus allowed a complete maturation. This leads today to taste a declaredly young wine, which however has all the aromatic characteristics.

Tasting it, 2009 seems to recommend a few more years before trying to uncork a few more bottles of the same year. The herbaceous notes predominate and give a clear sign of the willingness of this wine to develop full maturity in the bottle over the years.

We recommend pairing it with game, hare, well-aged cheeses.

The 2010 winter season was particularly humid and rainy with average temperatures.

Subsequently, spring was also particularly humid and rainy with temperatures in line with those of the climatic period.

In summer and in the first ten days of September the sun and the high temperatures were not lacking, animated however by fresh winds during the evening and interspersed with some drizzle. In September the rains led to an extension of the ripening times in traditionally later areas and in the plains.

Healthy grapes allowed to keep the grapes on the plant for a long time. Harvest around 12/14 September.

The wine is elegant with an impenetrable purple color. The nose opens with aromas of undergrowth and smoked then hints of tobacco and pepper, withered flowers, graphite, morello cherry, cinnamon, pipe tobacco.

We find notes of ripe black cherries, plum, tobacco and leather on the palate. Very long finish tempered by thick silky tannins and bitter cocoa.

Pairing with baked pork rib.

Il 2011 si concede solo con la seconda etichetta Conclave.

Figlio di vari vigneti, negli anni sta assumendo una connotazione personale che lo avvicina sempre più al fratello maggiore.

Splendida estate, assolata, calda al punto tale da far vendemmiare già agli inizi di settembre anche se inverno, primavera e inizio estate sono stati molto piovosi, soprattutto a metà giugno. Poi più niente, la pioggia mancherà da metà luglio fino a settembre.

La temperatura sale seriamente  a metà agosto e si manterrà  molto alta e afosa fino al 25 settembre,  determinando, con l’inevitabile calo notturno un’ottimale escursione termica.

La vendemmia si avvia il 7 settembre. L’andamento umido della seconda decade di agosto rende meno agevole l’integrità delle bucce e per questo selezioniamo molto le uve. Le notevoli escursioni  termiche hanno contribuito a determinarne eleganza ed equilibrio.

E’ un rosso cupo, denso, con espressione giovanile contenuta sull’orlo più estremo. Il profumo è netto, balsamico, incisivo e complesso. Si svela nelle sue varianti durante l’ossigenazione nel bicchiere. Ad ogni approccio è sempre più complesso. Lungo e vivace, non stanca mai la degustazione. L’amarena e la prugna sono sempre presenti insieme ad una lingua erbacea e di spezie fini.

Inverno mite fino agli inizi di febbraio, quando una eccezionale ondata di gelo investe tutta l’Europa e fa nevicare leggermente anche da noi. Finale d’inverno piuttosto siccitoso ancorché freddo. Marzo caldo. Aprile freddo pungente. Maggio piovoso e fresco. Giugno avvio instabile. Il 20 giugno scoppia l’afa.

L’estate è calda afosa ma anche piovosa ed instabile, molto instabile. Un’annata così complessa sotto il profilo climatico porta a una vendemmia leggermente tardiva per consentire la corretta maturazione delle uve. Grande è la cernita in vigna, la resa è bassa circa al 40%.

Preferiamo uscire ancora soltanto con l’etichetta CONCLAVE. Si vendemmia in due tappe: 8/9/10 settembre e poi 19/25 settembre, intervallando i tagli durante le piogge.

Il vino però che ne uscirà – figlio di queste micro vendemmie – ci darà grandi soddisfazioni, il lavoro serrato in vigna si nota e si sente la leggera sur-maturazione degli ultimi tagli.

Il colore del CONCLAVE 2012 è quello di sempre: rosso cupo, ma con orlo granato.

Panorama aromatico ampio che va dai frutti di bosco alle note balsamiche della resina con picchi speziati e una presenza vegetale, dopo essere stato ossigenato nel bicchiere poi tanta frutta candita, spezie orientali, dattero. Morbido al punto giusto con immancabile nota erbacea tipica delle annate fresche , spina dorsale  utile a mantenere la giovinezza del vino.

The vintage of the 2013 harvest is marked by a climatic season dominated by rains: winter, spring and summer.

We arrive in mid-July with a significant reduction in the load of grapes, although not as important as the previous year.

Fortunately August is hot, the grapes were able to benefit from the sun to concentrate the sugars in an optimal way. The wine evolves quickly in the bottle, giving beautiful sensations to each new taste.

The main feature is the expressive and aromatic ease mainly oriented on the scents of red berried fruits with aromatic intrusions in the fresh and balsamic undergrowth.

This vintage stands out for its bursting body, an indication of the ability of good aging. Fruits and spices are well balanced, the full body prevails which gives depth.

The 2014 vintage is also marked by rain.

Although winter is mild in temperatures, it is not as mild in rainfall which is persistent and consistent especially throughout the growing season, in spring and also in summer.

The beginning of August will mark a break allowing the correct ripening of the grapes. We go down into the vineyard over and over again to manage grapes and vegetation in order to make the most of the available solar energy, with a patient care of the plants.

We harvest in late September with an important selection of grapes. In spite of the rainy season, the 2014 wine presents itself at the first tastings warm, sunny, rich and granite in its consistency. The pulpy and black fruits are those of the forest with balsamic / herbaceous and menthol notes.

The balance between the acid / tannic and the soft / fruity components of his body is fascinating. Long persistence, elegant aftertaste.

It can be paired with mixed meats, grilled meats, lamb, aged cheeses.

L’ annata 2015 è caratterizzata dal caldo particolarmente intenso nel mese di luglio e dalle scarse precipitazioni.

Un clima ottimale per produrre uva sana, pulita, croccante. Torna il Campantuono e si presenta alla vista un rosso granato denso e compatto, al limite dell’impenetrabile. La ricchezza delle note olfattive si evidenzia scoprendosi nelle sue varianti ad ogni successivo passaggio nel calice.

L’aroma è quello classico, ma c’è tanta materia. L’alcol per la prima volta svetta sui 17.5 gradi, l’estratto secco totale è da urlo. Al naso è colmo di eleganti note di: ciliegia nera, fiori appassiti, sottospirito, confettura di amarene, scorza di arancia.

Al palato la sensazione è di un vino materico, polposo, ricco. Le note fresche rappresentate dalla elegante acidità creano la struttura di questo sontuoso vino per meglio bilanciarne l’armonia.

Nonostante la giovinezza (è vino da dieci e più anni di invecchiamento), l’equilibrio dimostrato è notevole. Le lunghissime sensazioni finali e retro-gustative sono soddisfacenti ed appaganti.

Un gran vino per palati forti ed esigenti. Abbinamento con conciato romano.

The 2016 vintage is already to be framed as a great vintage, even if it does not start very well.

A cold winter and a rainy spring brought about a first development. A comparison can be the 2015 vintage, but this is much more impressive because of greater balance. Summer is initially hot, but subsequently changes and rain and humidity arrive which compromise some berries. This is a disadvantaged start, difficult to face for those who – like us – always want to preserve the fruit. Harvest in two stages: starts in mid-September with careful and obsessive selection of the grapes, first the turgids then the partially dried.

The result is a wine with an intense and impenetrable color, vivid and brilliant. The nose is opulent, powerful, blueberry juice, plum jam and mineral trail, bay leaf, green tea and earthy echoes.

On the palate it shows an impressive gustatory progression, which combines material and glycerine roundness and flashes of freshness, with a marked alcohol content.

Persistence is very long both on the nose and on the mouth.

Dark chocolate on the finish. A great wine, the son of a great job in the vineyard. Pairing with lamb, game, braised meat, conciato romano (an ancient and traditional strong cheese).

The 2017 vintage closes the circle of the 3 super vintages: 2015/2016/2017. Another great vintage.

A harsh winter, a balanced spring and a torrid summer contributed to a calm harvest without problems.

The healthy, crunchy and slightly dried grapes have created a muscular wine, which we have been used to drinking in recent years. Large amount of glycerine, alcohol, great structure. The wine is black, swirls proudly in the glass, is material and leaves a pulpy tear. The nose is clean smells of cinnamon, blood orange, concentrated fruits, black cherries in alcohol, dates, figs, currants, blueberry and blackberry jam, dark and juicy cherry. In the mouth it is balanced as never before.

Glycerin, softness, freshness and tannin are blended well together and flood the mouth in a balanced way, like a powerful but precise pedal stroke. Very long ending A wine that can be forgotten for years in the cellar and opened on a great occasion.

Recommended pairing: still young with red meats and first courses such as Neapolitan ragù, after a few years: lamb, braised meat, very mature cheeses.

Annata decisamente difficile.

L’inverno, nella prima parte piovoso e quasi mite, da gennaio arriva prepotente regalando neve fino a bassa quota. I vigneti si tingono di bianco, evento raro dalle nostre parti!

La primavera apre mite, equilibrata nella prima parte, con una seconda parte anomala e mediamente piovoso. Così anche l’estate che sembra essere in equilibrio climatico, ma poi si trasforma in umida e piovosa.

Le Piogge ci accompagnano fino alla fine del mese di agosto e buona parte di settembre, mesi fondamentali per le nostre vendemmie, che daranno concentrazione ed equilibrio al nostro primo bianco aziendale chiamato MEMORIAE, ma scalfiranno le uve a bacca rossa che subiranno un collasso e di conseguenza il raccolto sarà inferiore alla media.

Le vendemmie proseguono – seguendo il meteo – e così spostiamo il cuore del raccolto alla fine di settembre. Grande è la selezione e la cernita delle uve. Resa sotto il 40%. Alcune vigne frutteranno a ettaro circa 20 quintali di uva, ma per fortuna i nuovi impianti daranno un grosso aiuto.

I vini. Proviamo entrambi i vini a poco piu’ di 2 anni dalla vendemmia.

CONCLAVE : è netto al colore, appare rosso vivo porpora, abbastanza lucente e impenetrabile con orlo altrettanto luminoso; al naso esordisce con profumi di dattero poi sbuffi balsamici, quasi solfurei, riconosciamo la cera, burro bianco, di nuovo profumi di frutta con la bucce di cedro, arancia rossa, bergamotto, sul finale di nuovo datteri in confettura. Al palato la sensazione che di un vino ancora giovane ma già vellutato e giustamente fresco/sapido, produce succulenza in bocca. Sicuramente vino da medio / lungo invecchiamento.

CAMPANTUONO: un vino per noi poetico, orgogliosi della tenacia nel conservare le uve fino alla maturazione perfetta, rischiando tutto il raccolto per via della la pioggia. Il vino si presenta al colore quasi nero, impenetrabile con orlo rosso scuro e lucente. Al naso è intenso, complesso, speziato, fruttato di succo di mirtilli, datteri, fichi, tabacco, radice di liquirizia e prugne rosse. In bocca è potente coi suoi 16 gradi che ben si rilassano nella frutta rossa. Un concentrato di spezie, uno dei Campantuono più equilibrati di sempre. Vino godibile fin da subito, ma meglio se lasciato in cantina per diversi anni.

L’annata 2019 verrà ricordata tra le grandi annate.
Bilanciamento spostato sulla potenza.

Clima: Un inverno mite e mediamente piovoso; gennaio e febbraio leggermente più freschi anche se piovosi, annunciano un clima anomalo.
La successiva primavera e l’estate sono caldissime e la siccità sarà il vero leitmotiv.
Risultato finale: Vendemmia calda, torrida con inizio delle operazioni al 28 agosto e termine metà settembre. Uve sanissime, in alcuni areali surmature più del solito. Resa in vino inferiore alla media (sotto il 58%) denota estratti altissimi e vini possenti,  per noi è una sfida.
Tanta frutta nel bicchiere, poi a seguire confettura e spezie dolci.

Conclave e Campantuono sprigionano potenza ed eleganza. Tenori alcolici alti ma con straordinario controllo.

Abbinamento perfetto: brasati o formaggi stagionati.
Vini perfetti anche a fine pasto.

2020 is a vintage to remember not only for the wines it has given us, but also for the pandemic, an event that has changed the world and all the processes known until then. In the vineyard, after a mild winter, an equally mild spring will arrive with little rain and rightly balanced by evening excursions. The dry and dry summer will accompany us until the harvest, always without rain and quite warm.
For the white grapes, we will start on September 7, while the red grapes on September 9. The wines with medium/high alcohol content will continue fermentation throughout the month of September with many headaches in the cellar given the high sugar concentrations.

The white wine memoriae will express a lot of fruit on the nose and will give us a balanced, fresh, harmonious sip.

Opimiano and Conclave will be complex, balsamic and powerful wines.

Campantuono will instead give us yet another pearl, which will reach excellence even after a few years in glass. enveloping, balanced in perfect equilibrium of power and freshness. To be paired with great cheeses.